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Hey there! Stellar game! I was curious, but is there perhaps a physical version that has ever been made? If so, I'd be overjoyed to buy it

Glad you like the game! This is a free fan project, so it only exists as a PDF download. The game will never be available for sale (digital, physical, or otherwise). But thanks for your interest & enthusiasm!

Hi guys!

I'm preparing a game session with my player and I'd like to use this system. Is there anyone who made the italian translation for this system?

If you want you can contact me to my email ""

Thanks in advance.


Hi, David!

I'm sure you will be glad to hear that Hogwarts RPG has now a Spanish translation thanks to the Creative Commons license under which the original was published. Thanks for creating such a great and fun game! Muchas gracias! Muito obrigado!

Here we have our translation, at last on this site:

Best regards!

That's fantastic! Thanks so much for putting this together – I'll include a link on the game page above. Really glad that everyone is making such good use of the CC license


After 15 years, my old HP party will roll again.

Amazing! Glad I could help :)


I really really like your work! Great contribution to the scene! 

Thanks so much!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi David! A week ago, i've played this amazing game in a italian Discord server named "Racconti da GDR" as a DM. One player was really exited and decided to make an Italian translation with a new layout. Can i send you a copy to give im a look?

Ciao! Io sarei davvero interessato ad avere più informazioni! Mi farebbe davvero piacere se potessi condividere con me la tua esperienza e la traduzione in italiano. Come DM neofita i miei player mi chiedono spesso qualcosa a tema HP. Se puoi rispondimi tranquillamente per mail:

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Ciao! Per quanto riguarda il gioco è stata una bella scoperta, perchè anche se il sistema è molto semplice ti permette di affrontare praticamente qualsiasi situazione che potrebbe capitare in un mondo come quello. Ho fatto una oneshot dove i personaggi dovevano recuperare un ingrediente per Hagrid e ci siamo tutti molto divertiti, soprattutto perchè il sistema di randomizzazione dei pg è molto valido e veloce.

Per quanto riguarda la copia in italiano preferisco aspettare la risposta di David Brunell-Brutman che in caso (se gli piacerà) potrà metterla scaricabile qui insieme alle altre. La traduzione e la nuova grafica non sono state fatte da me ma da uno dei giocatori di quella oneshot

I'd love to take a look at what you've put together! There are a few Italian translation projects in progress, though I'm not sure of their current status. Feel free to email me at Glad to hear you've enjoyed the game! 

I wrote you an email with che pdf! Take a look at it :)

Do you think you could send me a copy to play the game in italian with my friends?

i cant find the narrator sheet and the group sheet, can someone help me ??

The Narrator Reference Sheet and Narrator Notes Sheet are pages 7 and 8 in the Full Game PDF. Hope that helps!


Hey! I would like to join your game on rolegate. Is it still possible to join?


Hi there! I'm not familiar will rolegate... You'll have to talk to whoever set the game up over there. Hope you're able to play & enjoy the game!

Oh, thanks!


Hello David! This looks like so much fun. I am so stoked to play this. I have one question: in the player move "Stand in the Face of Danger," you use the term "hurt" and I'm curious if that is another word for condition. If they roll a 7-9 and hurt the threat but the PC gets hurt too, does that mean a condition is being applied? Sorry I'm coming for DnD 5e so I'm taking everything literally. 

Thank you so much! 


Hey there! "Hurt" is literal, but it's literally what happens to the characters in the story.

Let's say you have a witch facing down a Dementor and she casts a Patronus charm. She rolls to stand in the face of danger, gets a 7-9, and picks "you hurt the threat, but it hurts you as well". The important thing is to narrate the Dementor closing in, then reeling back from the light of her Patronus ("you hurt the threat") as she collapses to the floor ("it hurts you as well"). Then, as the Narrator, you might describe her shaking in terror & give the Scared Condition, or passing out from the attack & give the Unconscious Condition.

So yes, generally, getting "hurt" means that the Narrator will make the Narrator Move "Give them a Condition". But it's important that the Condition only occurs because the character got hurt in the story.

Hope that helps!

This is perfect. Thanks David! I appreciate you you helping me out :)


This just looks gorgeous! And as a fan of both the PbtA System and HP, this is a must-have for me. As I am planning on running a German session soon, is there any way to get some templates or something similar, so I can translate the players' sheets?

Thanks so much! There are actually a few folks starting a full German translation now, but I'm happy to send you design files for your own translation. Email me here

Have you translated it or found one?

Hi! Just found this game and I'm excited to try it with the kids next week! How is the German translation going? Even partly translated stuff, like translated character sheets would be very helpfull! Smile and greetings form Munich, Christoph


I know you are setting up a fillable PDF, are you possibly doing a roll20 sheet too which would be amazing?!

I don't have much experience with Roll20, but if it was something I could do for free I would consider it. Thanks for the suggestion!


I made a character sheet that very simple but its functional on Roll20. And I have macros that save time on Roll20. would you like to have it?

Yes please! Just replied to your email

I would like to have it too if that is okay. Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

I would love to be able to access this on Roll20 as well -- is there a way you can share it? (i have a number of friends who would love to give Hogwarts a try if it was available on Roll20). Hope this is possible. Thanks!


I really love this system! I was wondering if you could post a link to the PSF fillable version of the character sheet?


An official fillable PDF is in the works! Expect something next month or so


Thanks! I'm looking forward to it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey man, thanks for the game, it's simply the best adaptation of HP to PtbA.

I'm a Brazilian professional RPG and boardgame translator, and unfortunately you'll have a 3rd translate to Portuguese soon haha... But mine has a full quidditch system, with differences between positions, broomsticks, maneuvers and a non-arbitrary form to end the game lol

how could I send it to you?

Thanks so much! That sounds cool – feel free to email me here


Hi, I enjoyed very much the game! Where can I find the "scroll" background you use for the sample pages? I'd like to print some pages in color with that background, thank you very much!


Thanks! Here's a blank version of the texture:


Thank you very much!


I really like the collaborative storytelling approach to this system and how it’s focused on player interactions. Unfortunately the group I am playing with really just wanted me to write a game for them so it’s less satisfying for me. 

I’d be really interested in seeing what a group that wanted more collaboration would achieve storytelling wise. Perhaps over a Discord server? If anyone else is interested in that, let me know. I’d love to Narrate and play in a bunch of little collaborations since the Wizarding World has such a deep, vast history to it. 

Peraonally, I think it would be really fun to play/narrate stories during different historical eras and not just the “Harry Potter” timeline.  

Discord ID: 


The game works great over Discord, and in different time periods! I've previously run a HWRPG Discord game set during the 1st World War. (You can also connect with other gamers over Discord on the special server I set up for my Patreon patrons)


Done! :)

This sounds like a fun idea!! Send me a DM, I’d love to play!! LadyLorax#7380


I made a copy of this that is PSF fillable:


(1 edit)

Sounds cool! I can't seem to access it, however



I emailed you a copy of the PDF. Please let me know if you’re still unable to access it. 


Hi, could you make this public? I just requested access

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Hi! I emailed it to Dave so he could post it, but I’ve updated the link so it’s editable now. 

Whoops, sorry! I thought you'd made the link public after you emailed me


Thank you so much for this game. Since my gaming went digital I went ahead and made a PC Tracker on Google Sheets for online play. I'm sharing it here for anybody to use.

You are wonderful!! Thank you!!

This is great! Thanks so much for taking the time to put this resource together!

the link's dead...Could you fix it? Because I love it so much but couldn't find some ways to download it

Thanks for bringing this to my attention – which link are you trying to access? The normal download links on this page seem to be working


I'd love to see this expanded to allow for the characters to have their adventures away from the school, and to include other races. Muggles would have advantages over wizarding families in the muggle world, even if they can't do magic. Magic and technology don't tend to get along, so they would be able to help out in those ways. Players could be muggles, squibs, goblins, centaurs, etc if the players were away from school, say on summer holidays. We may try it out here to see how well it will work. I know most people will want to be wizards (obviously) but having the option could be fun. 

It's definitely outside the scope of this game, but feel free to hack it & see what you can do! There's a lot of Wizarding World out there to explore, and Hogwarts only focuses on one specific part of it. Let me know how it goes if you mod the game


I like this system, I do think you can go into more detail about what wands you use. There are many to chose from to limit people to just those can be a little restricting, following this you could say that each wand gives you a bonus to a certain spell or proficiency. Finally, I know it's nigh impossible to list all spells, but you have missed some. I.e. Bombarda, feindfire and such. 

Great potential though

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. I tried to simplify as much as possible, so you're correct about things being left out. Feel free to hack the game and add in things like additional spells or wand types – neither of those would "break" the system

During my family game of this we found lists of different wand woods, cores, and lengths and just rolled extra dice for them then had attributes separately. That seemed to cover those bases. There’s another system we tried that actually gave proficiency in certain spells or charms depending on the core, so we added elements of that as well. 


This looks really interesting. I'm doing something similar that happens after they leave Hogwarts. If you want to discuss it, I'd like that.

Sounds cool! I'd be down to chat about your project. Send me an email here


The descriptions for the choice of pets deeply amuses me.

1-2 Owl (Can send and receive mail)
3-4 Rat (Cannot send or receive mail)
5-6 Cat (Will not send or receive mail)


This is a wonderful little game that captures the heart of Hogwarts really well. Recommended for that alone - but it also does something really unique in PbTA design with its mystery mechanic - you could use this to port all sort of mystery games in a "play to find out" sort of way.

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